A Resolution for Greater Safety in 2025

With everything that’s on the plate of the typical business owner, it’s easy to see why safety sometimes takes a backseat to matters that might seem more urgent. Establishing safety procedures and a culture of safety often becomes one of those “we need to do that soon” items. But there are some very solid reasons […]

Shoveling Snow and Heart Health

It’s more than an urban myth … shoveling snow is indeed a higher-risk activity, especially for those with a heart condition or poor overall fitness. According to a study by the American Heart Association, hundreds of people die each year during or just after shoveling snow. Why is snow shoveling in particular such a high-risk […]

Safe for the Holidays

Here comes the holiday season, which can be a wonderful time of year, but can also present a special set of hazards to our collective health. From eating and drinking to weather to our busy schedules, everything’s a little different in November and December. Here are some thoughts on keeping yourself and your family safe. […]

Fall is the Time for Fall Prevention

The last week in September marked Fall Prevention Awareness Week, an important observance because falls are among the leading causes of workplace injuries. If you think of workplace falls being associated with ladders and construction sites, you’re not wrong, but on-the-job accidents happen in a much wider variety of ways and are a danger in […]

Being Ready: National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month, which probably makes you think about being ready for a hurricane. You’re not wrong … there’s a reason the observance, created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), happens at this time of year. But preparedness encompasses more than prepping for bad weather and power outages. In fact, FEMA’s ready.gov […]

Back to School Safety

It seems like the “Back to School Sale” ads have been running since before school actually let out for the summer, but now it really is time to go back. This is a time of year that presents new safety challenges, so here’s a look at how you can help keep our kids safe. Whether […]

What You Didn’t Know About the Heat Index

In these relentless summer temperatures, safety is of course a primary concern. (For information about maintaining a safe workplace in the heat, and on recognizing and treating heat illnesses, see our May blog post.) It’s also important to plan properly, and if you’re like many people you check the forecast to see what kinds of […]

Help Emergency Personnel Help You

We spend a lot of time helping companies make their workplaces safer and helping their team members be better prepared for emergencies. In the age of remote and hybrid work, though, we also need to consider safety and emergency responses at home. Every second counts in an emergency, and that’s not when you want to […]

Beating the Heat: Summer Workplace Safety


While many of us welcome the warmer temperatures at this time of year, summer heat presents a safety hazard in many workplaces. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has stepped up their monitoring and enforcement of workplace hazards related to heat stress in recent years. We tend to think of construction sites as the […]

Creating a Culture of Safety

Everyone wants a safer workplace, and many organizations partner with us for that reason, knowing that they and their teams will be better prepared to handle a cardiac emergency, other medical events or even an active assailant. While it’s vital to be prepared for unexpected events like those, statistics indicate that the majority of workplace […]